Then I sat down to write a submission to the Commission into "Lyme-like illness" that our Australian government is currently holding. It was our story that I wrote, and I think it is quite perfect to post here.
It's not fluffy, or pretty, but it's what happened. It has shown us the depths of our strength and given us confidence that we can handle anything that may come to pass in the future. It was a very hard time.
I'll understand if you pass it by, but for anyone who wants to know more about what it is like to have Lyme Disease, or who wants to know a little more of my back story, here it is:
I am not
sure when I became infected with Lyme Disease. The first tick bite I remember
is as a teen, and I still have a lump on my leg where I removed it. Since this disease can remain under cover for
a long time, I will probably never know exactly when I first came into contact
with it. I did travel overseas in 1996, but
only to the UK and the city of Rome.
I do know
that in 2001, my husband and I were bush walking in Chidlow, WA, where we
lived, and we came into contact with a mass of what the locals call ‘pepper
ticks’ but which we know now were probably an early stage of the local bush
ticks that had just hatched out. They
were tiny, and we both had many on ours legs to remove.
Not long
after that, we experienced a very stressful event and we often said that after
that the sunshine went out of our lives. At the time, we didn’t realise it, but I think
now that that event had lowered our immune system enough so that we became
vulnerable to multiplication of the bacteria Borrellia and its co-infections.
For the
next ten years, we both struggled to keep going, as we slowly had to cut more
and more things out of our lives just to manage. My husband was about a year behind
me with symptoms.
We were both
diagnosed with CFS. I developed Pernicious Anaemia and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. My husband now has Diabetes and high blood
pressure. I became more and more
affected by the chemicals of daily life. My
husband had terrible headaches and sores on his skin. I developed bad anxiety and my digestive
system became a mess. We were both brain
fogged and desperately tired and sore all the time. Our lives became almost unbearable. We
received no help from the medical people we saw, and felt abandoned by them.
I could no
longer work. My husband managed to keep
working four days a week, while I tried to keep the situation at home together
so that he could come home and just rest at the end of the day and hopefully
recover enough to go to work again the next. There was no spare energy for
anything but survival. There was no joy. We often contemplated and discussed suicide.
In 2001
when this all began, we were both fit, keen blackbelt martial artists. I owned and rode a horse. We had two very lively dogs with which we had
long walks and training sessions every day, and competed with in active dog
sports on weekends. We did many other
social and sporting activities, including teaching at a local community school
and helping to train beginner dog owners at our local dog club. Our days and weekends were full. We were valuable and active members at all
levels of our society.
It took us
a long time to succumb totally, but by 2006 we had hit rock bottom. Some days I could barely get out of bed. My
husband often eyed off trees on the way home from work and thought about driving
into them. After one particularly rude,
dismissive doctor, I came home and told my husband that I could no longer keep fighting,
that I wanted to just go to bed and stay there till I died. Life had become nothing
but suffering and struggle. I’d had
It was only
my husband’s belief in me at that time that kept me going. “This is not all in
your head. This is real. We need to keep
fighting and we need to become proactive,” he told me. His faith
in me gave me hope. It was a turning
point for us. We began to research what this malaise could be that was so wrong
with both of us. We found a good doctor
who helped us support our bodies and believed in us, which gave us just enough
energy to keep going as we began our journey to knowledge and health.
So we limped
on, improving in some ways and never getting as sick as some people with Lyme Disease
do. We attribute this to how fit and healthy we were when first we got it, to
the types and locations of the infection in our bodies, and to the research we
did that helped us support our systems, which helped our own bodies to fight down
the infection.
in 2011, I had a year from hell. The
chemical sensitivity had continued to worsen despite all our efforts, and I had
a reaction to a Sulfa antibiotic that gave me panic attacks and body storms
that slowly faded as the year went on. When
they were happening, I’d have happily died to escape them, and I never knew
when or for how long another one would come.
It was hell on earth. What that very bad time did do, though, was lead
us to begin more research, and it is then that we found Lyme Disease and considered
the possibility of it being our problem.
There was
no Lyme Literate Doctor in WA at that time.
We Skyped with a US doctor to get tested at Igenex in the US. My tests returned with enough positive bands
for me to be content that we were on the right track. Hubby wanted more proof, so we tested him at
Infectolab in Germany and got a positive.
We knew we
were onto something, so we did more research. I reacted to the herbal treatments that our US
doctor wanted us to take, so I had to stop.
My husband continued with them. I
found the Salt/C Protocol, which has been a wonderful treatment for me, as it
was the only thing I could tolerate. Our
recovery has been very slow, but steady.
At no time have we used an Australian doctor for anything but support for
our secondary symptoms.
Right now,
at the beginning of 2016, we are really seeing the light at the end of the tunnel
at last. In the past few years of steady
improvement, we have begun to be able to work, to socialise, to enjoy hobbies, to
join back into our community, even in as active a role as volunteer fire fighters!
The joy of
all this! It is only truly able to be
understood by others who thought their lives would be grey survival forever,
and who many times over wished for the release of death. It is like being
reborn again!
I am
writing this submission in the hopes of helping others to avoid the dreadful
descent into a life of pure suffering that this “Lyme-like” illness brings. If only a doctor had recognised our symptoms
early! I still remember taking my list in and expecting such a comprehensive list
of symptoms to make it easy for that GP, but instead I think he decided right then
that it was all in my head and wrote me off. Knowing what I know now, and if he had known
it too, he’d have seen that little light-bulb and tested me for Lyme Disease
then and there, and even been able to diagnose it from my list of symptoms, whatever
the very ineffective ELISA test of the time showed.
If our
local GPs had been educated and open-minded, we wouldn’t have lost more than
ten years of our lives. Society wouldn’t
have lost more than ten years of us being useful members. We wouldn’t still be dealing
with the secondary issues that came about due to all those years of undiagnosed,
untreated infection. Issues that we may never be free of.
We consider
ourselves very lucky indeed that my husband continued to be able to work enough
to keep our heads above water financially, so that we at no time have had to
rely on the system to help us. What we have seen happen to others we have met
through our Lyme journey has horrified us.
It is dire enough to feel so very bad; as one person put it, “To be
brought to the brink of death and left there for years,” but to also at the
same time to be trying to get a diagnosis in order to get benefits, while seeing doctors,
spouses, friends and family disbelieve you and turn away from you, well, it
breaks our hearts. The loss of Theda
Myint was particularly sad for us because we had come to know and love her very
much, and her suicide was so very close to home. Theda was exactly the sort of
young person this country needs, and we failed her, and have lost her forever.
I want
people infected with this Lyme-like illness never again to feel so alone and
abandoned as we did, as Theda did. I want
our country to believe in us, to value and support us. I want the medical fraternity
to stop thinking any illness that is not easily diagnosed is all in our heads. I don’t think that is too much to ask.
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Happy, useful, Lyme-free Tina. What a joy! |
Dear Tina, it's so wonderful to know that you (and Andrew) are feeling better, that you have more energy, physical comfort, that you are feeling productive. It's really wonderful.
ReplyDeleteYour journey and your strength are very inspiring. Thank you for sharing these generous words with the world. May they find the ones who need understanding and support. May they all find the help they need.
Infinite blessings,
Thank you, Bá darling. I hope it helps someone to find out their truth and get help sooner than we did, and that each of the over 1000 submissions to the Oz government find open minds.
DeleteOh my God! I never realized the extent of your suffering, and the callousness of the doctors who didn't help you, and worse, just wrote you off. I am so very sorry you and your hubby had to experience this horrendous disease. I'm sorry that I'm so uneducated about it, and yet you've mentioned it casually a few times. I had no idea. I am sorry. To come through this and out the other side to wellness is an amazing feat of will, desire to live and be well, and sheer determination. You and your husband must be amazingly strong people. Many would have quit, or as your friend did, succumb and check out. How incredibly sad, such a waste of life and spirit. But she must have felt no hope. I'm so sorry for her, and for your loss of her. Fucking doctors!! You're right, when they don't have an easy diagnosis staring them in the face, they give up and write people off. That makes me livid! People don't usually make this stuff up - why the hell would they? I'm so glad that you persevered, did your own research and reached out to someone willing to listen and offer some help. You are a dynamic and good-hearted woman! I am so thankful that you are here and gracing this planet with your individuality and your light. May God hold you and your husband in His protective hands and bless your lives richly in future. I believe He wanted you to live, and He always has good reasons. And you can take that to the bank! Love, Blessings and Light to you both! Thank you for sharing your story.
ReplyDeleteThank you sweet Lorie! It is interesting, is it not, that a vet would never assume that a lot of symptoms would mean it is all in an pet's head, but they do for humans? For pets they begin a long journey to find the cause and treat the animal, but for people they find it all too hard and chalk it down to mere headspace. It is an odd juxaposition.