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Sunday, 5 November 2017

So I have this Beanie...

A gift from Brigid this morning, just to remind me that Monday is Brigid's day.  Soft pastel feathers, especially grey ones, are always my gentle reminder from her.

I got cranking on the latest crocheted offering this weekend while spending some nice downtime in the warm spring gazebo, and got it almost finished.  It looks pretty ordinary right now.

But I has evil plans. Which one to choose?

Think the forwarder horns look best but am very tempted to make one or two more horns and go for the dinosaur look.  :D  My only directions were to cover the ears, to make it green and gold, and make it silly!

Mr Cyrano Fitty Kitty also enjoyed the downtime in the warm day with me.

For a change of pace, I also participated in my first hazard reduction burn of the season on Saturday.

Only a little one at the actual station, but it was a bit smoky and we had to shut it down.  The problem is we have a tiny window between when it is dry enough to burn and when we can't burn any more due to safety. Hope the neighbour who complained won't mind if his house burns down this summer de to too much fuel in his immediate surroundings!

On sunday I got to do this at our latest incident management team training day.  I was on the boards outside the ICV.  Interesting!

That's me on the right there in my yellow record keeper vest at the debrief afterwards.

We have this year's baby magpie on the move.  So glad she survived to get safely out of the nest, and she was already flying by the time she left it, so she is nice and mobile too.  She still has some very cute fluffy knickerbockers though.  One of her big sisters from two years ago was close nearby.  There is always one family member on duty with the baby.

Someone else has fluffy knickerbockers too, but I not supposed to say so.



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