It's autumn, but there has been hardly any rain. We're still turning out to fires, mostly ones lit by people who aren't very aware. They light a small fire and don't put it out properly, or they light too big a fire for the dry conditions. Ah well, at least it keeps us busy. And dirty...
...but not in a good way!
I need to talk about the Druidcamp. It was while back now but it was most marvelous.
Damh the Bard, Cerri and Kristoffer were so lovely. As I've said before, if you want to see what a spirituality or philosophy will do for you, look at its leaders, and you couldn't ask for for kinder, wiser, more connected beings than these three.
I learned a heap, and laughed and cried a lot, and some of the moments in the ceremonies and bardic circle and giant music session were just mind blowingly amazing.
Julie, Tamzin, Cait and I performed Savage Daughter together at the eisteddfod.
Afterward at the bardic circle, I did my new song called King of the Boars that I wrote for my new lyre, Torc. I love this pic Michelle got of me.
I look a lot more relaxed than I | felt! |
I also got to spend time with my Druid peeps! Yay!
Selfie with Mandy, and a photobomb by Damh the Bard and Kris! Did you ever! |
On the plane with lovely Michelle and my Druid brother Dusty! |
My dear druid sister Trudy! |
And we explored a bit of gorgeous Adelaide. The botanical gardens are lovely, as is the old architecture, and they have a lot of art and quirky bits that I loved, except the moment where I thought i was about to fall down these stairs, though it turned out there was glass over them! The sculpture at the bottom looks a bit worried that he might have had to catch me!
Around here, things go on as usual. The last chicks of the year are growing up. both roosters, dammit, but being part Hamburg, they aren't very big so won't be able to bully the girls, or very loud crowers, so they might be able to stay. Frankendotte has gone to live with mum's partner, Karl, and his hens. He is rechristened Frank Sinatra for his singing, which Karl loves. A lucky break for Frank!
One of the so called Hamburgs is definitely not all Hamburg. He is rather hideous in the face right now but his plumage is pretty and interesting. He was christened Chugly (chicken ugly) for a while but he's now called Bunky, short for Shubunken, because of his goldfish colouring.
The other one is classic Hamburg and is The Cisco Kid because of his embroidered black and white appearance. He is super pretty, which makes Bunky look worse.
I'm crocheting a blankie for my friend Amy, and as usual Mr Kitty has to help.
He's such a lovey.
I've been passed as a driver for the big ICV in our comms brigade (incident control vehicle).
We turned out to the late shift with our comms brigade to a large fire and got to see our brigade mates from Chidlow VBFB. Ha, I wasn't the grubbiest for a change! Away from the fire, it was cold out there! It seems silly to be fighting fires while it is cold, but there you have it.
It was hectic at first. We arrived to find many appliances and support crews on the boards to keep track of with our very good crew ...
...but as the fire was blacked out, trucks were stood down, and the night drew on, the number of fireys dropped, and by the time we left at 2am, it was quite spooky out there. Just one lone guy from the water truck wandering in to find coffee and food at the blessed Salvos truck!
No rain, but we know autumn is here because the Virginia Creeper has once more turned.
I found one of my books on the feature wall at our local library. Yay!
Roo and i got to turn out to a fire together in the back of the truck. Also yay!
Yes something weird happened to my face. Other than me just being weird as usual.
We had some of our Druid mates over for a Samhain night. It was lovely getting to see my friends enjoying playing my lyres. They're so calming to play.
Also Guinevere felt she should be part of the night, and Michelle got a pic of her for me.
Michelle also made me this quilt! Squeeeee!
It has the rune Ansuz on it, for my patron god, Odin, and for inspiration and skill in communication, and the two ravens who accompany Odin, Huginn and Muninn. I just can't even begin to say how much I love and appreciate this gift and all the work and skill she put into making it! I love you Michelle!
This gorgeous old Jarrah tree was on the side of the track we walked one morning this week.
Look at all the liminal space, and the face too!
Michelle also got this pic of my dear Rosie, who is 11-and-a-half now and showing her age a little more lately.
My sweet sweet baby, how did you get to be an old dog so suddenly?