How do you go from blogging twice a week to blogging never in a few short months? I dunno. I am still saving photos, but not blogging. I know I'm going to regret it down the track because I forget stuff and this blog makes me remember it, and take photos of life too. I like that about blogging.
Ah well, we'll see. Maybe my holiday has done me good. In the meantime, here's the pics I've been collecting...
Druidy meditations with the help of a kitty. It is not conducive to concentration when a cat comes and sits on you and peers under your hood to make sure it is you before settling in to purr. |
Pretty Cyrano. |
Me blacking out at a burn. Those Xanthorrea really go up, but soon they sprout new greenery and away they go again. |
Photo taken by local paper to add a local element to an article about a show on cable tv called Bushfire Wars. Our shire and brigade were part of episode 2. We were actually blacking out a fire when they came to take the pic, so we were authentically grubby. Yes that's me dead centre. Only lady on the fireground at the time! |
At a training day, slacking off in the back of the truck. |
Blacking out at a hazard reduciton burn with our wonderful new brigade. |
Andrew crew leading on our first fire call of the summer. |
Andrew trying to find the Oxfam trailwalker trail as a crew safety support officer. |
My three new Sussex bandits, Blue the Light Sussex, Powder and Puff the Coronation Sussex. |
My way cool new chook shed built almost totally by me! |
Mama guinevere and her singleton chick, a rooster of course. |
That is one scary fierce mama gaze! |
Art, of the back yard. |
What i found next to my ear on the back of the shed door when i peered in looking for something one day. |
Jarrah blossom on a tree I planted some years ago. |
The sun setting high above perth at the oxfam trailwalk. |
Neighbours' bonfire, with high winds, in dry spring conditions. Yep, horizontal flames are ok aren't they? (Answer: NO!) |
Pretty sunset over perth. |
Tuppy in the cone of shame after having a cyst removed from her eyelid. It looks great now! |
More drawing practice. |
Gorgeous wildflowers on Perth scarp.
May you all have a lovely Christmas season, no matter what you call it, and to my Druid friends, I wish a very merry and fruitful Alban Hefin!